Yes, as Ed Seykota has pointed out,everyone gets out of the markets what they seek. Sadly there are many commodity and forex traders that want to gamble or just play. They get excitement out of the markets…it is fun…or a challenge. These same traders have no plan. They have no risk management. They just trade because they think they know the future. They trade on their intuition. They know better than the market in which direction the market will go. Many times they refuse to take a loss.
I am sure all of us know these type of traders.
This is one of the reasons that there exists a zero sum nature in commodity trading and forex trading. These traders losses put money in the pockets of trend following commodity trading advisors & experienced forex traders that do have a plan and understand risk. Hedgers, speculators as well the “gamblers” add liquidity to the markets. This is why trend following works…and will always work over time.
So, What separates winners from losers?
Successful trend following commodity trading advisors & successful forex traders have a plan. They know it will work out over time. They know any trade means NOTHING! They know their money is made over a long period of time. They know they are not playing or gambling.
Successful commodity trading advisors and successful forex traders have an edge. Their edge is that they have discipline that the majority does not have. Their edge is their patience. Their edge is that they realize they do not know the future. They realize they can have multiple small losses…and eventually they will “Stumble” into a some great long term trend and they will make alot of money.
To compound your way to wealth ( if that is your goal) you must have your edge. Your edge can be as simple as allocating to successful trend following commodity trading advisors…or if you know…NOT BELIEVE you have the discipline and patience then trade for yourself and enjoy the freedoms that commodity trading and forex trading provides.