Zero Sum Nature Of Commodity Trading And Forex Trading

There are many that do not understand that commodity trading and forex trading are a zero sum game. In other words in order for one forex or commodity trader to benefit ( make money) another trader loses money. It is very clear to me after all these years of commodity trading. Consistent winning commodity traders can only profit to the vast extent that other traders or speculators are willing to lose. Wait a minute..what does it mean “willing to lose”.
Yes, as Ed Seykota has pointed out,everyone gets out of the markets what they seek. Sadly there are many commodity and forex traders that want to gamble or just play. They get excitement out of the markets…it is fun…or a challenge. These same traders have no plan. They have no risk management. They just trade because they think they know the future. They trade on their intuition. They know better than the market in which direction the market will go. Many times they refuse to take a loss.
I am sure all of us know these type of traders.
This is one of the reasons that there exists a zero sum nature in commodity trading and forex trading. These traders losses put money in the pockets of trend following commodity trading advisors & experienced forex traders that do have a plan and understand risk. Hedgers, speculators as well the “gamblers” add liquidity to the markets. This is why trend following works…and will always work over time.
So, What separates winners from losers?
Successful trend following commodity trading advisors & successful forex traders have a plan. They know it will work out over time. They know any trade means NOTHING! They know their money is made over a long period of time. They know they are not playing or gambling.
Successful commodity trading advisors and successful forex traders have an edge. Their edge is that they have discipline that the majority does not have. Their edge is their patience. Their edge is that they realize they do not know the future. They realize they can have multiple small losses…and eventually they will “Stumble” into a some great long term trend and they will make alot of money.
To compound your way to wealth ( if that is your goal) you must have your edge. Your edge can be as simple as allocating to successful trend following commodity trading advisors…or if you know…NOT BELIEVE you have the discipline and patience then trade for yourself and enjoy the freedoms that commodity trading and forex trading provides.

Forex Trading System Online

One of the great reasons to get into FX market is the fact that the FX market is open twenty four hours a day. In addition, the liquid nature of online FX trading offers solid price stability that you can count on. If you’re looking for a forex trading system, there are many you can find on the internet. Just do a quick Google search and you can find one.
Most investments require a large sum of money. That is not the case with FX, every dollar or other unit of currency you put in will work to make you more money. Then when you make more money by buying and selling on margin, you can put that money into more or larger investments. Another great thing about online FX trading is that it doesn’t take a lot of startup capital to make money. Now anyone can start investing in FX without the need for a large amount of money. As long as you have a winning forex trading system in place, it might be the most attractive option. This combined with the leverage of FX trading make a small investment well worth it.
FX trading could be a great way to get an extra income beyond a job or other investments. In other markets, the stock market especially, you can only profit if the market is rising. However in FX trading you can make money even if the economy of your chosen country is on the way down. Combined with the low startup cost and the mini investments, this makes FX trading easy for the everyday investor to get through.
Beyond the demos, most firms offer breaking news, charts and analysis of the FX market to help the investor get the most out of his investment. With all of the benefits of online FX trading over traditional investments, it is a shock that it’s not as widely known or practiced as the stock market. It takes less money than the stock market and can bring in more money per dollar invested.
The latest thing for the Forex trader is something called The Forex Robot. This forex tradining system is basically automated everything for you. It claims to double your return. It might be worth while to take a look.
You can check out a video at Forex Trading site and see if it’s right for you. However, please keep in mind that, like all trading activities, there’s always risks involved and might not be right for everyone. Therefore, please proceed and trade with caution.
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The Advantages Of Mini Forex Trading

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by Bart Icles
Forex currency trading is a large and complex investment market that takes time and effort to understand, apart from other existing trading markets. So why is it so popular, and with so many people wanting to get in? The answer: simply because if and when a trader makes successful transaction, it offers the chance of making a substantial amount of money at the shortest time possible, and with just minimal costs.
Mini Forex trading allows a profitable way of trading by starting with a small capital fund in exchange for handling larger currency sums. The way mini Forex trading is designed with its margin of 100:1, the trader only puts up $1,000 to control the position of a currency sum of $100,000. In futures trading the ratio is 20:1, and 4:1 for equities.
Mini Forex trading is a profitable business to venture into - provided a new trader learns and understands well and fully what the currency trading is all about, in order to minimize the risks involved. Every trader has to understand how the margin account works. Read the contract between you and the clearing firm carefully, and get things in perspective early on.
Any investing trader’s position in the account can be partially or fully liquidated if the available margin in the account falls below within a predetermined amount. Sometimes, positions are liquidated before any margin call can be obtained, but some have automatic stop-loss systems to close out positions before margin runs out. But its still best that you monitor your margin balance regularly and make use of your stop-loss orders when its time to do so, so as to limit the risk of losing your investment.
One of the glaring advantages of Forex trading over other trading markets is that its commission free, so you don’t have to pay exchange and brokerage fees. Forex currency trading is done on a world-wide scale through interbank marketing where buyers and sellers abound, and in constant touch. Without payments for matching up with any buyer and seller, and with larger spreads, its a much better investment market to get into.
Other investment markets such as futures and equities are not at par with Forex trading when it comes to money making potential with low risk involvement. With much lower risk factors to focus on, a trader with a good knowledge of the markets simple principles and basic strategies can easily learn to make consistent profitable deals day in and day out. And though touted as a highly complex and risky venture to go into, starting with Mini Forex trading is the best way for a beginning trader to start.
About the Author:
Succeeding in the takes a desire to learn and a drive to become a great trader. Furthermore takes dedication and a good teacher. But once you learn how to trade and do so successfully your life will change and you have options and financial resources you never had before.Related Post:

Ways to Read Forex Chart

If you are planning to trade in currency then you should know the different ways of reading the forex chart. Due to this reason you should try to gain the knowledge about reading the charts. If you know this then you would be able to earn huge profits in short duration of time. You would find that the experienced trader would always take the proper training before entering into the market of forex. If you are a learner then you should always start the trade with the nominal amount. You should no invest huge amount at a particular point of time.If you want to learn the ways of reading the forex chart then you can purchase this software that would provide you required knowledge about the forex market. This software would aid you to keep the track of the money that you invest in this market and it would also keep the track of your time that you spend in this market. This software would help you to keep a track of the amount that you have invested in the firm. This software is handy. If you are interested to become a forex trading pro then you should try to take the maximum use of this software. If you use this software then you chart using this software then you would get the perfect knowledge about the forex trading that is offered by the forex market.Currency trading market is considered to the largest market in the whole world and it one of the busiest markets. You would have problem of keeping the track of the forex market. You would be able to keep the track of the various trends that are prevailing in the market. if you are using the this software as a tool then you should study the changes that are taking place in the forex market. The knowledge that you have gain would aid you to trade in the market.If you want to install this software then you need to explore yourself to net. You can use different trends and pattern of the forex chart. You can use the special tools that can be generated in short duration of time. You can use this tool to examine the software that you are using. The forex charts would help the trader to take the decisions about the market in which you are dealing. Forex charting software would provide relief to the people that want to become successful and want to get the deal that they want. There are different methods that can help you to the knowledge that you want to have. This would help you to make the future predictions about the forex market. This would help in charting the different types of software. There are various types of software in the market. You need to select the software as per your needs and requirements. You need to be careful in selecting the software for your deal.

Forex Scalping Strategy

What is Forex Scalping?Forex scalping is the art of using high leverage and a large number of short term trades to steadily increase an account. Usually, only 1 to 5 pips are targeted for each trade. This type of trading appeals greatly to day traders and those looking to minimize the risk involved in trading currencies. Next to money management, "risk control" is the single most important trait to a surviving (and thriving) currency trader. The small amount of time that is spent in the market limits much of the risk in exposure in comparison to a longer term system. Also, the freedom involved in a speedy Forex scalping system in such a liquid market is a "magnet" that drives many traders from other markets to try their hand in currency. A disciplined and steady scalper could seamlessly double or triple an account, and spend only a fraction of the time in the market as a common day trader.Forex Scalping - The ProblemThough Forex scalping may seem like a preverbal "holy grail" at first glance, there are still many unseen hurdles that surround the controversial method of trading. If you do wish to add scalping to your trading toolbox, it is extremely important to pick a broker who can support a scalpers's system. You will quickly find that many brokers do not allow scalp trading, as the method of quickly entering and exiting trades may actually cause the broker to lose money at the dealing desk. Forex scalping also does not give the broker a means to trade against their clients which is a way of money making for them. Out of the hundreds of online Forex brokers, only a handful support scalping. It is a very thin line between scalping and short term trading. Generally if you hold trades for a minute or less, you may have problems with brokers. They could warn you and then if you continue shut down your account. However, if you trade in minutes or more, most likely you will not have problems with dealing desk brokers. Non dealing desk (ECN) brokers allow scalping where you can hold a position for seconds however the minimum to open an account is higher ($2,000 and above).Forex Scalping StrategyEffective Forex scalping strategies take advantage of extremely slight price fluctuations (sometimes only 1-3 pips) many times in order to steadily build an account. Because of the smaller number of pips gained per trade, larger than normal leverages play a key role in a successful Forex scalping strategy. By leveraging much more than a standard day trader in a liquid environment, a very skilled scalp trader is able to make just as much money as the day trader in a shorter period of time. However, this is an obvious double-edged sword. The market can just as easily move against you on a high leverage, which could produce substantial blows to your account.Also, it is important to take into consideration the physical and mental speed of a trader who will only stay in the market for seconds to minutes. Executing a scalping strategy by hand can be extremely difficult considering the quick amount of time you must be in and out of the market for your strategy to be affective. Many successful Forex scalping strategies are built to be automated; the rules to the system are coded into a trading platform to automatically perform scalp trades around the clock. Though it is completely possible to trade a Forex scalping strategy manually, the majority of today's traders would agree that automating the process based on a set of rules would be the best way to ensure speed and reliability. When choosing a platform to automate your scalp strategy, it is extremely important to stick with those platforms that allow the execution of your system on every tick (such as MetaTrader 4). This ensures that your entrances and exits will be on a per-tick basis, and will give you a much higher probable rate of success than those platforms who will execute your code more periodically.To understand the full challenge of scalping as a trading style, consider this: hard work and small gains accumulated over a decent period of time could easily be wiped out with one large loss. Finding a balance between profit levels and size of acceptable losses presents the most difficult challenge to scalpers' strategy.Forex scalping can be a good method of growing a managed Forex account quickly, but should not be looked at as the "holy grail" of trading. Most brokers do not support scalping, and a consistently profitable Forex scalping strategy can be very difficult to engineer. However, if much time and effort is spent in system optimization and setting up a good relationship with a scalp supporting broker, the benefits could be well worth the time spent.

Forex Trading Robots

There is no doubt that the Foreign exchange market is among the fastest growing market in the world today. Trading volumes of these markets are growing in an arithmetic progression every year. Traditional daily turnover in Forex markets were reported to be over US $3.2 trillion in April 2008. With this figure alone, no one should tell you how liquid Forex markets really are. Though the bad economy has greatly reduced the potential of the Forex matters, its still stand out as the most liquid markets you can find out there. Trading Forex is a very difficult and risky task. But given the huge amount of profits available in this market, people are flooding it on a daily basis with the aim of making some extra or full income from Trading Forex. With the financial crises around, and people loosing their jobs, some folks always think Forex trading can be a save heaven for them. But you should always take special care when getting in to such markets because: where there are big profits to be made, there is always the possibility of big losses as well.In any efficient economy, there would always be a supply to every demand. Given the complexity involved in trading in the Forex markets, there are quite a number of people who don't know enough about Foreign exchange markets but are interested in trading foreign currencies. Special software called Forex robots have been designed which could greatly reduce this complicated process involved in Forex trading.Most of this software is called Forex robots, meaning that they are capable of instructing you exactly on what to do in what circumstance. Others may even automatically do it do it for you. For example, the robot may instruct its user to sell a particular currency, and buy another currency based on the market data analysis made.While these robots could be right in most cases depending on the mark, it is good to take note that they are not always correct. There are just a software and like any other software, their output depends on their input. Garbage in, garbage out. This simply means that you may loose so much money if you don't a good robot that that has been effectively designed to take most of the parameters into account. The Forex market is actually beyond the reasoning scope of even a Forex robot. That is why no one can say with certainty that they can trade Forex without some losses here and there.Since Forex indicators have been programmed to run on some given pre- market indicators which have been judge by experts as key indicators preceding key events, it can be a wise idea to take a look at them if we intend to trade this very liquid market.Forex Trading,Forex,Forex Invasion,Forex Derivative,Forext Trading Tips.

A Few Forex Tips To Help You Achieve Success

A Few Forex Tips To Help You Achieve SuccessYou can earn a lot of money through Forex and it in fact only requires that you learn from some tips that will show you how to maximize your profits from dealing in foreign currencies. The simplest Forex tip is to use weekly charts to boost your profitability. This means that you have to take the trouble of checking the weekly charts so as to be able to gain a proper perspective of the currency market. Such weekly charts are ideal for learning and finding out more about the major trends that are taking place and they will also help you understand the proper support as well as resistance levels as too gains insights about entry points.Don't OvertradeAnother simple Forex tip is learning to avoid from doing too much trading. It pays to understand that fewer trades you enter into the better are the chances that you can realize a handsome profit. It is more important that you concentrate on getting things right rather than indulging in quantity trading. Smart Forex operators earn money from doing the right things well and avoiding doing the bad things. In fact, the more successful traders earn high amounts of money from doing only limited amount of trades.A healthy appetite for risk is essential to succeeding with Forex and so you have to learn how and when to take risks which however must be judiciously taken and which should not deteriorate into starting to gamble in the hope that you will make a major killing. At the very least a person that is averse to taking risks must abstain from doing Forex deals.For those people that do small Forex trades it is not a good idea to branch out because it is in fact necessary that they concentrate and focus on their limited trades instead of trying to expand their dealings without having already tasted success.You can also succeed with Forex by setting yourself realistic targets. The more realistic you are the better are the chances that you will be able to work hard enough to realize your objectives. You should decide to engage you in Forex and then give your all to succeeding and also keep in mind that your targets are not too farfetched or unrealistic.With these tips in mind you should get started with Forex and bear in mind also that to be successful you will need to learn how to focus your efforts on the best trades that should be used with best odds of succeeding. Weigh your options and set realistic targets and then do your best to realize a profit.

FOREX Resources

So, how to create a perfect Forex trading system?

First of all, you need to make sure your trading system fits your trading personality; otherwise you will find it hard to follow it. Every trader has different needs and goals, thus there is no system that perfectly fits all traders. You need to make your own research on various trading styles and technical indicators until you find a concept that perfectly works for you. Make sure you know the nature of whatever technical indicator used.
Secondly, incorporate price action into your system. So you only take long signals if the price behavior tells you the market wants to go up, and short signals if the market gives you indication that it will go down.
Third, and most importantly, you need to have the discipline to follow your Forex trading system rigorously. Try it first on a demo account, then move on to a small account and finally when feeling comfortably and being consistent profitable apply your system in a regular account.

The Perfect Forex Trading System

Trading the Forex market has become very popular in the last few years. But how difficult is it to achieve success in the Forex trading arena? Or let me rephrase this question, how many traders achieve consistent profitable results trading the Forex market? Unfortunately very few, only 5% of traders achieve this goal. One of the main reasons of this is because Forex traders focus in the wrong information to make their trading decisions and totally forget about the most important factor: Price behavior.
Most Forex trading systems are made off technical indicators (a moving average (MA) crossover, overbought/oversold conditions in an oscillator, etc.) But what are technical indicators? They are just a series of data points plotted in a chart; these points are derived from a mathematical formula applied to the price of any given currency pair. In other words, it is a chart of price plotted in a different way that helps us see other aspects of price.
There is an important implication on this definition of technical indicators. The fact that the readings obtained from them are based on price action. Take for instance a long MA crossover signal, the price has gone up enough to make the short period MA crossover the long period MA generating a long signal. Most traders see it as “the MA crossover made the price go up,” but it happened the other way around, the MA crossover signal occurred because the price went up. Where I’m trying to get here is that at the end, price behavior dictates how an indicator will act, and this should be taken into consideration on any trading decision made.
Trading decisions based on technical indicators without taking price action into consideration will give us less accurate results. For example, again a long signal generated by a MA crossover as the market approaches an important resistance level. If the price suddenly starts to bounce back off that important level there is no point on taking this signal, price action is telling us the market doesn’t want to go up. Most of the time, under this circumstances, the market will continue to fall down, disregarding the MA crossover.
Don’t get me wrong here, technical indicators are a very important aspect of trading. They help us see certain conditions that are otherwise difficult to see by watching pure price action. But when it comes to pull the trigger, price action incorporation into our Forex trading system will definitely put the odds in our favor, it will generate higher probability trades.

Automated Forex Trading System

With more and more people joining the forex market, the use of Automated Forex trading systems has also gone up. For most of the Forex market speculators, automated forex trading systems are a great way to predict things and thus make huge profit. Broadly, the Automated Forex trading systems can be divided into two main types. They are: · Desktop-based systems · Web-based systems Desktop-based systems: In this type of systems all the Forex related data is kept on the hard drive of your de

Online Forex Trading

The World Wide Web makes up one of the most effective tools that you can take advantage of today.
With the progression of communications engineering, you can send and receive data to and from the Internet for nothing or at a very inexpensive price. Since the evolution of the Internet and introduction to the public, people have been using it to convey with family and friends.
With the Internet, you can talk for nothing even though the person you are talking to is on the other side of the world. Nowadays, due to of the advancement of the web, and the accessibility of an inexpensive broadband Internet connection, it is now conceivable for people to start an online business, work online, and also trade in the financial market.
Trading in the financial market online has a lot of advantages. You no longer need to be inside the market floor to trade. All you need is a computer with a high-speed Internet connection, and trading software and you’re ready. If you are thinking of trading in the financial market, you might want to consider trading in Forex.
In the past, because the Internet was still in its early childhood and the best forex markets had strict sanctions and policies, day-to-day people, such as yourself were not permitted to trade in the Forex market.
Only multinational companies and financial institutions were allowed and it also required huge amounts of investment capital to start trading in this financial market. The Forex Market is the largest and the most liquid financial market in the world. It operates 24 hours a day and generates currency exchanges that amount up to 2 trillion dollars each day. With this kind of feature, people would really want to trade in the Forex market. With the progression in the Internet technology, it is now possible for people to trade in the Forex market.
The Forex market also opened up its doors to independent traders and brokers. Forex trading is considered to be a great money making tool that you can take advantage of. With the correct skills and know how, you can really be prosperous in the Forex market and earn that money you have always wanted. It is also a truth that a lot of people who have traded in the Forex market have gained quite a lot of profits. Some even considered it to be a great full time career and decided to leave their regular jobs to trade fulltime in the Forex market.
However, the Forex market also carries an equal risk to traders. There is also a chance for you to lose money when you trade in Forex. It is also a fact that Forex took people in the brink of financial collapse. However, with the right skills, knowledge and strategy, you can minimize the risk and maximize your earning potential when you trade in this very liquid market.
If you are searching a great fulltime career that you can do in your own home, you can consider the Forex market as one of the best career choices. The first thing you need to have in order to start trading in the Forex market online is by having a fast computer with a fast internet connection.
Fast Internet connection is very necessary in order to let you have access to real time information on what is happening in the market. This will also prevent slippage. The next thing you need to do is hire a firm that is available online that specializes on Forex trading.

Forex Courses Vs Forex Trading Software - Which Should You Choose?

On the face of it, it looks no contest because with Forex software you don’t have to work, you simply pay your money and sit back and the money rolls in but of course it doesn’t! These systems all lose money. On the other hand, a good Forex course will give you the knowledge and skills you need to win.
You don’t get success in a market where 95% of traders lose by following a cheap, software package and that’s a fact. All the traders who make money learn skills and you must too. The good news is, there are Forex courses which can help you learn quickly, give you confidence in what your doing and give you skills which can last a lifetime. Lets look at what the best ones will give you.
The best courses will all come with a 100% money back guarantee, so if you find Forex trading is not for you, you can simply have your money back so you have no risk.
The best courses will give you a proven Forex trading strategy, you can learn and apply in the market. To help you further, most vendors will demonstrate how their systems work in real time, so you can judge how successful they are and sharpen your trading skills at the same time and gain confidence. The best courses also throw in unlimited email support so you can ask questions as you learn.
The best Forex courses, will give you skills you can apply to make yourself a great second income in around 30 minutes a day after just a few weeks of study.
If you want to enjoy currency trading success ,you have to work for it and the best courses will cut your learning time and help you succeed and for the effort you have to put in, no other business can reward you so handsomely for your effort.
For free 2 x trading Pdf’s, with 50 of pages of essential Forex info and a PROVEN Forex Trading Course visit our website at:

What You Need To Remember Before Choosing Forex Trading

What are the important factors to be kept in mind when choosing Forex trading software? While there are many, the crucial points are performance of the software and its profit potential. So, how do you choose the right software? There is no dearth of software in the market to assist you with Forex trading. However, if you are a newcomer to this field, beware of software scams. It’s not difficult to be fooled by their convincing claims and promises of high returns on investment. Read on to find out exactly what you need to consider before you finalize on the software of your choice.
Fully Automated Software
Forex trading calls for making a lot of complicated decisions. Pondering over these decisions while taking into account a whole lot of information and data is not easy. Especially for newcomers who are still on a learning curve. However, with speed on their side, Forex traders can make very important decisions in a jiffy and speed up the trading process. When buying Forex trading software, find out if it is fully automated. That way you, you will be able to do many things, from the analysis of market conditions to the selection of the best currency pair to trade in much faster.
User Interface Should be Simple
Not all of us are comfortable using complicated software with confusing interface. There is beauty in simplicity, and it would be best to go for Forex trading software that have a simple and user friendly interface. As far as possible, avoid programs that are difficult to use. Choose one that is easy to learn and can be mastered fast. Look for software that can train you with the help of interactive videos. More and more software companies are beginning to include these training videos along with the software.
Server Based Software or Web Based?
There are two types of Forex trading software – one that is server based and another that is web based. The server based software needs to be downloaded from a server and installed on to your computer. A lot of people don’t prefer the server based programs as they are rather expensive and call for regular maintenance and updating. The web based software, on the other hand, is much more convenient to use. A user account is created in your name on the website and whenever you want to access your account, you can log in with it and your password. They do not require maintenance, and can be accessed from any computer.
Other Factors to Keep in Mind
Choosing Forex trading software is also a matter of personal preference. You need to go for software that complements your knowledge of the field, experience and interest. When choosing an automated system, go for one that has the ability to convert pips into money. The software should also be capable of being installed on a virtual server. If you are still unsure what kind of software to buy, contact your local brokers and find out what they would suggest. When buying software from a company, thoroughly cross check the testimonials.

Importance of Forex trading education

Jun 29th, 2009
by min. No comments yet
Foreign Exchange [Forex] involves exchanging of different foreign currencies for a profit. The reason for buying the currency of another country may be the need to buy some commodity of the said country as well, besides making money through the difference in exchange rates. In the latter case, people buy currency of a foreign country when the rate in the market is low, and sell it off when the rates go up. Currency trading is usually done between the central banks, the government, speculators and MNCs. Nations cannot trade with each other without the presence of a foreign market. A huge amount of money is daily traded in the Forex market, though the amount invested by an individual trader may be very low. No one individually can have any influence on the Forex fluctuations, not even the government. So it can easily be concluded that the level of the currency reflects the strength or the weakness of the economy of a country. So this makes the Forex market a good place for competition. The government and the central bank do try to stabilize the currency of their country by speculating, by buying and selling currencies at appropriate times. So they can influence the market if they conduct a trade in huge volumes, though. To buy its own currency, however, the government or the central bank must have huge reserves of foreign currency with them. So it is virtually impossible to inflate the currency value artificially. With Forex trading education you will understand the mechanism better.

Learn to trade forex - place orders

Jul 4th, 2009
by min. No comments yet
Four Main Types of Orders in Forex Market There are many kinds of orders you have to learn to trade forex which traders can place to transact in the Forex market, for making profit out of it.
• Market Order
The market order is the most simple and common kind or order. Here, the trader buys and sells the currency at the rate prevailing in the market at the time of placing the order. Continue reading →

Traits of successful forex traders

Jul 19th, 2009
by min. No comments yet
Actual Expense Trends Basics + Individual Insight into them = Forex Market Trends
People are seldom rational. They often function emotionally, which is why logical reasoning does not always hold true. Continue reading →
Posted in: Successful forex traders.Tagged:


The unfilled term is proposed for those who just curved their eyes about FOREX. Beginning traders who are still tutoring the basics of the alien chat bazaar may also find something of fascinate here. While experienced traders won’t profit something meaning their time appraisal this clause. Continue reading this post

acm forex trading platform

by Work in acm forex trading platform
The ACM Forex Trading Platform - Is it Any
The trading of the Forex promote used to be the reserve of traders who had access to huge amounts of principal. You needed to be moreover a monetary institution or a very wealthy individual to be able to afford to play in an advertise with a large total of venture. Nevertheless merit to the Internet, this has now misused. The little guyed is now able trade alongside the big institutions. And many brokers have welcomed these individual traders with open arms. One of the best of this new breed of dealer is the ACM Forex Trading Platform. Continue reading this post…

Pakistan Prize Bond Draw Results

For those who keep their money in prize bonds. Prize bonds are issued by the government of Pakistan. Prize bonds are similar to cash because you can buy a prize bond from any bank and sell it to anyone. The government in turn holds draws and gives cash prizes to the winners.

Bullion Rates

Investment in gold bullion means that your money is protected from inflation. A reason enough for why you should invest in gold bullion. For gold bullion coins collecting as well as other precious metal investments, you must be aware of gold, silver, platinum bullion rates.

Forex Archive & Charts

Forex charts assist the investor by providing a visual representation of exchange rate fluctuations. Many variables affect currency exchange rates, such as interest rates, bank policies, geopolitics, and even the time of day may affect exchange rates.

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About Forexpk

It is a real pleasure to write that by the Grace of God, our website has emerged as one of the comprehensive web based research projects not only among the so many categories of but at the national level as well with due passage of time. As the name itself suggests, is all about Forex and business and is a proud product of KKI R&D Department. This is one of KalPoint's major and best hit categories and now stands as one of the premier business websites of Pakistan and a complete portal in itself. The project caters highest number of visitors on a daily basis and holds the honour of one of the most visited websites in which started off with just a few web pages is now spread over 800 web pages covering not only the currencies but other sectors of business as well. Initially this project was primarily focusing on currencies but now, comprehensive coverage is being given to different other business sectors including stocks, news both national and international, market commentaries covering currencies, stocks, oil, bullion, government policies, useful links, trade news and related policies as well and there is much information available on this project now for the domestic visitors, bankers, corporate customers, students and people involved especially in research projects. Some of the main services which are being offered are highlighted as under:

Real time Forex rates and market commentaries:

One of the most unique features of Forexpk is the availability of the current currency rates to the users, which is not available anywhere on the web from Pakistan. These rates are provided through the courtesy of Khanani and Kalia International (Pvt) Ltd. which are updated round the clock, number of times a day, so that the purpose of providing the most updated information to the visitors can be justified. This section establishes a general perception that KKI provides the most current, authentic and genuine rates not only in the market but on the web as well. Likewise, inter bank rates are also available which are displayed in collaboration with various banks including UBL and HBZ mainly. The real time rates are followed by the market commentaries, which are compiled by our Research team on a daily basis and cover kerb, inter bank and international markets. These reports are written in a way so that the market activities of the whole day can be concluded and the visitors may identify the major causative factors of the ups and downs of the money market in Pakistan on a particular day.

Historical Rates and Charts:

We also maintain historical rates and charts in the form of an Archive which contains the rates of last 14 years of all those currencies that are traded in the market. It is the only website across Pakistan which gives the users the past currency rates and charts of all the currencies being traded in the market. Thus you can obtain the rates of any currency that you want provided it is traded in the market by just selecting from given slots the required fields and you can get the desired results within a flash!

National and international news:

As an attempt to provide major national and international economic news to our visitors, the news section is present there. The national news section is covered up in special collaboration with Jang Group of Newspapers while international news is being grabbed from world's most authentic news sources. This feature infact keeps our visitors well informed with the latest and current happenings on an international level.

International conversion rates:

This page of the Forex category gives cross currency rates that are an important part of many of the world’s leading currency sites. The cross currency rates are available in a chart form and are taken from an authentic currency site. This chart provides a tabulated currency position of major currencies with each other that helps the users to identify the rates of the currencies crossing each other in the international market.

Stock news and research reports:

The coverage of national and international stock markets is yet another addition to the site that has added tremendously to the goodwill of our site that is reflected through the feedback received from the users. This section includes the daily news covering the major events of the major bourses at the international scenario. This section is helpful in gaining access to the noticeable events and news marking the national and international stock markets. is now emerging as one of the major sources of giving daily, weekly and monthly exclusive research reports of the major stock exchanges of Pakistan.

Exclusive Articles and research reports:

It is a firm belief that the writings of the prominent opinion leaders add to the authencity of any specialized site. And for a business site, its importance increases to further extent. In order to provide a special space for the valuable writings of eminent personalities, Forex exclusive section has been initiated. This section is specifically allocated to the people who write on specific issues related to the financial set up of the country. The Research team prepares periodical research reports covering currencies, stocks and major economic issues which already are creating a great impact among our valuable visitors. Recently, we came up with Economic Summary of Pakistan which was the first of its own kind in Pakistan and the effort was praised by masses.

And this is just a glimpse what we are offering at! Our round the clock efforts are aimed to give our users the best, accurate and updated information. Every thing related to forex and various areas of business is included here. You are more than welcome to visit us and you will truly admit the fact that Forexpk’s new slogan is its true definition as it goes as “The Finest Forex Portal of Pakistan!


Pakistan Open Market Forex Rates
Updated at : 12/7/2009 1:13 AM (PST)



Australian Dollar


Canadian Dollar


China Yuan




Japanese Yen


Saudi Riyal


U.A.E Dirham


UK Pound Sterling


US Dollar



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Welcome to, the manpower consultant

Imam Trading & Contracting, registered with Ministry of Manpower & Human Resource, Govt. of Pakistan, secured its legal License to Trade in Manpower Exports. The Company being fully aware of modern requirements of this trade to meet international challenges, has organized itself with adequate infra-structural facilities to meet such requirements. An organization having its office in main business center of capital city Islamabad, with experience of more than 20 year in project management and manpower selection at international level. Company has its own facilities for trade test, evaluation of candidate and preliminary selection for manpower export. Selection of manpower is carried out on merit and the suitability of the worker is guaranteed.

Insider Trading Suspected Ahead of Pirate Bay Sale

Securities regulators are investigating potential insider trading of Global Gaming Factory before it announced its planned purchase of The Pirate Bay for $7.7 million, exchange AktieTorget told Swedish media.
AktieTorget, a Swedish exchange listing some 116 public companies, suspended trading in Global Gaming a week before the announcement as trading volume and share prices jumped without public news to account for it.
“There are reasons to suspect that information was leaked,” said Peter Gönczi, executive vice president at AktieTorget.
Gönczi also said that the exchange, if the purchase is finalized as planned in August, might open an even wider probe, given that the four Pirate Bay’s co-founders were convicted of facilitating copyright infringement by running the world’s most notorious BitTorrent tracker, and face a year each in prison and millions of dollars in fines. Gönczi said AktieTorget does not permit criminal enterprises to trade on the exchange.
“AktieTorget wants to make sure that the companies that are traded on the list are managing legitimate businesses,” Gönczi said.
The new owners said they planned to make the site legitimate and pay content providers for their wares.
Before the sale, average daily volume in Global Gaming was about 162,000 shares. From June 5 to June 18, there was little trading in the stock with an average price of about 9 cents. On June 22, shares nearly doubled to 18 cents with 1.2 million shares sold before trading was halted. (.pdf)
Trading resumed Tuesday, the day of the announced purchase, and shares closed at 38 cents, with a heavy volume of 5.8 million shares traded. Trading closed at 25 cents Wednesday, down 13 cents, and the volume was nearly 7 million shares traded.
The 5-year-old Pirate Bay boasted some 20 million-plus users and was the world’s most go-to website to find pirated movies, music, games and software. Heads began spinning on Tuesday when the planned purchase was announced by software concern Global Gaming.
That sparked The Pirate Bay to become inundated by its fans asking whether their account information could be leaked.
“We are going to build a user deletion interface later today,” The Pirate Bay said on its blog. “Many people have asked about having their account removed and we will not force anyone to stay on of course. However, we also want to point out that we have no logs of anything, no personal data will be transferred in the eventual sale (since no personal data is kept). So, no need to be worried for safety.”

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Development of money

Main article: History of money
The first instances of money were objects with intrinsic value. This is called commodity money and includes any commonly-available commodity that has intrinsic value; historical examples include pigs, rare seashells, whale's teeth, and (often) cattle. In medieval Iraq, bread was used as an early form of money. In Mexico under Montezuma cocoa beans were money. [1]

Roman denarius
Currency was introduced as a standardised money to facilitate a wider exchange of goods and services. This first stage of currency, where metals were used to represent stored value, and symbols to represent commodities, formed the basis of trade in the Fertile Crescent for over 1500 years.
Numismatists have examples of coins from the earliest large-scale societies, although these were initially unmarked lumps of precious metal.[3]
Ancient Sparta minted coins from iron to discourage its citizens from engaging in foreign trade.
The system of commodity money in many instances evolved into a system of representative money. In this system, the material that constitutes the money itself had very little intrinsic value, but nonetheless such money achieves significant market value through scarcity or controlled supply.

Important Forex Trading Terms

SpreadThe spread is the difference between the price that you can sell currency at (Bid) and the price you can buy currency at (Ask). The spread on majors is usually 3 pips under normal market conditions. For more information on the trading conditions at Saxo Bank, go to the Account Summary on your Client Station and open the section entitled “Trading Conditions” found in the top right-hand corner of the Account Summary.
Pips A pip is the smallest unit by which a cross price quote changes. When trading Forex you will often hear that there is a 3-pip spread when you trade the majors. This spread is revealed when you compare the bid and the ask price, for example EURUSD is quoted at a bid price of 0.9875 and an ask price of 0.9878. The difference is USD 0.0003, which is equal to 3 “pips”.On a contract or position, the value of a pip can easily be calculated. You know that the EURUSD is quoted with four decimals, so all you have to do is cancel out the four zeros on the amount you trade and you will have the value of one pip. Thus, on a EURUSD 100,000 contract, one pip is USD 10. On a USDJPY 100,000 contract, one pip is equal to 1000 yen, because USDJPY is quoted with only two decimals.

Mini Forex Trading

The PAAZEE Mini account was designed for those who are new to the forex market. The Mini forex account trades in smaller contract sizes of 10,000 units, which is 1/10th the size of the standard account.
The smaller trade size gives traders the opportunity to trade live with less overall risk or exposure to the market.

Welcome to Paazee Trading Inc.

PAAZEE TRADING INC. is founded by a group of professional traders who have the passion of trading in the foreign exchange and CFDs markets. Our company's mission is to support novel traders to learn about the markets and to provide them sufficient market data to make clear precise decision in this complex forex market.
With Paazee you can open a free demo account and practice forex trading with the state of the art trading platform.