Forex Trading Rules - What you Need to Know

Knowing forex trading rules that govern how trades and investments are made is advisable before you begin trading in the Forex. Some of this rules and strategy tactics can be a bit overwhelming to a beginner trader. This article looks at some of the trading rules in the forex market.
Some of the forex trading rules can be learnt along the way, such as price limits but the most basic ones required of a new trader are outlined below. They should help you maneuver successfully in the Forex.Don't Over Leverage Your Portfolio.One good thing about leverage is that it can generate good profits for you even if you don’t invest as much as the "big boys". Keeping your leverage low is the way to go as it lowers potential losses. Over leveraging your portfolio is a risky move and may leave you with a lot of debt. Your leverage should always be within your portfolio, especially if you are a beginner trader.Know when to quitProbably the most important rule of them all. What many traders fail to do is recognize that bad trades are exactly that-bad trades. They hang on to them hoping for an upward turn and in the process incur even more losses. Knowing when to quit also means knowing when to hold on to your trades. Remember that even the most successful of traders also occasionally lose money off of the Forex. The trick is to minimize your losses, and maximize your winnings.Knowing when to fold on a deal can be the difference between minimal loss or massive loss. Keep close watch on your trades so you can get out when you should. If you have researched the trade before, you will know what the breaking points likely are and be able to make this decision easily.Research tradesAs they say, knowledge is power. Knowing every thing about a trade prepares you for what might happen in the future. The whole process of researching a trade might seem very boring, but is worth the time.Simply beginning to trade with no idea on the issues that influence a trade is asking for trouble. Such an approach guarantees that you will lose money. o, take the time to do a little research before you begin. Place Stop Loss OrdersThe stop loss order is something that should be placed right along with your entry order. This type of order protects you from a potential loss getting out of hand. If the market takes a dive, you will be protected with the stop loss order. You must figure out however, before placing the order, at what point you would want to cut your losses.These basic rules should guide you if you intend to begin trading on the Forex market. Follow them to the letter to ensure that you profit off of the Market.

Online Forex Trading Tips

The faceless and trust based forum that the Internet facilitates is in no way a hindrance to trade in foreign currencies. Online forex trading involves currency trading that is facilitated and transacted through dedicated Internet links during the designed forex market hours…

Automated Forex Trading System: Does it Work?

If you're considering an automated forex trading system, this article reviews a popular system.
Automated forex trading has become a popular way to make a profit by dealing in currency trading. Participants use the foreign currency exchange in much the same way they play the stock market. There are a number of advantages to trading currency instead of trading stocks. If you are serious about getting a huge return on your investment by working smarter, not harder, check out this proven automated forex trading system.Automatic forex trading utilizes a software program to predict rises and falls in currency rates and make profitable trading decisions. The software also makes the trades for you. With a Forex trading system like this one, you simply start up the program and begin turning a profit with very little effort. Your auto Forex trading can continue working around the clock so trades happen when news breaks rather than when the market opens.Many people have seen success with automated forex trading but not all packages are created equal. Some have undergone a more rigorous testing process than others. For example, the FAP Turbo software has been tested in both back tests and live trades to ensure the product works. Most software packages have only been back tested, so they may or may not do well in live trading. It is better to find a software package that has been tested in both environments to ensure results.Most people who opt for a forex trading system have little knowledge about the foreign currency trade market. That is one of the biggest advantages to forex trading software. These programs do all of the work for you, so all you have to do is install the software and kick off the program. Installation usually takes a few minutes and results can be seen the same day. Even people who have never traded currency before can make a profit with Forex. Forex trading systems take much of the guesswork out of the foreign currency exchange market. You can begin the process with as little as $50 and quickly see the profits begin to accumulate. According to the makers of FAP Turbo, serious profits can be seen in just a few weeks' time. The more you make, the more you can invest and the more you invest, the more you make. The cycle has been a profitable one for many who have used these forex systems.If you want to make money in the foreign currency market, check out automated forex trading. The FAP Turbo program is a particularly good choice because it has been well tested and proven. With forex trading software like FAP Turbo, you can make money without any prior experience in foreign currency trading. It's an excellent investment.

Forex Trading Terms & Conditions

We are pleased to offer you a free practice account via our partnered platform.
If you are a novice trader, a practice account is an ideal way for you to familiarize yourself with the exciting world of Forex trading. However even if you are not a novice trader, the practice account is a great chance for you to improve your expertise and to benefit from it.
Brushing up on your Forex trading skills was never easier. Simply download the trading platform and log into the “Trade for Fun” mode. Don’t let the title mislead you, you get the same real-time quotes and same trading resources as you would if you logged into the “Trade for Real” mode, the only difference is that it allows you to trade with virtual money! Enjoy this amazing opportunity to learn and to practice trading. All you’ve got to do is register and you’re good to go.
Opening a FREE practice account is useful for everybody:
Novice Traders will benefit greatly from opening a practice account. The terms novice traders typically refers to users who have no previous knowledge of the Forex market and would like to get started, to open a position and trade, to view the market’s moves and to learn. A practice account is an ideal gateway for them into the world of Forex.
Semi-Professional Traders are usually traders that have some knowledge of the Foreign Exchange market and how the Forex market behaves. Chances are that they have either traded using a different platform in the past or are unfamiliar with the specifics of our tools. If you are a semi-professional trader, a practice account can help you get acquainted with all the special offerings and features available only on our partner’s platform.
Professional Traders can take advantage of the practice account to test their skills. The practice account could be THE place for them to test out new trading strategies without having to risk real money. It will allow them to see for themselves that we offer the most competitive spreads and the most high-quality costumer care


As a world-leading forex company that has received numerous awards for growth, technology and entrepreneurship, GFT is a truly innovative global foreign exchange provider. Since starting in 1997, we have built a loyal base of customers in more than 120 countries by drawing upon our expertise to provide exceptional software and services for trading forex.